Monday, January 27, 2014

Wild Wings for Defense

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...

Assalamu Alaikum...

In the previous post I dealt with January 2013. It has been quite some time since then. As such I have numerous stuff to write about since then. On the fifteenth of February 2013, Legend of Fire and Wind got some attention on Green Garden. Green Garden got some attention on that day also.

On the seventeenth of February 2013, Digimon Forever on got some attention. On the twenty-first of February 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. I decided to name it as "Secret Prince". I already have some ideas for it, but I don't know if I would be getting into them or not.

The main character of Secret Prince would be the last and surviving Prince of Greenrazor. His name would be Naslam Greenrazor. His copedam would eventually be Octurnalmon. In Secret Prince the Greenrazor Royal Family would have the rare skill of Keseltar Soul Method.

In the past, a King of Greenrazor rushed out to battle invading forces from multiple fronts against the Greenrazor Kingdom. With Emeraldsnow and Keseltar Soul Method he would defeat them in a way that it would be termed as a massacre or a slaughter. That would be some background history for Secret Prince.

Prince Naslam would be taught to wield Emeraldsnow and be taught in Keseltar Soul Method as well. Prince Naslam would always have Emeraldsnow with him, but he wouldn't use it until a certain time. I know how and when Prince Naslam and Octurnalmon would meet as well.

Octurnalmon would be natural with the Soul Method also. He would be born at a time soon after Prince Naslam would be born. The swordsmanship of the Greenrazor Royalty would be a unique one. It would be excellent in defense, offense and speed. It would be something that Prince Naslam would be able to excel in. 

Since he won't be using Emeraldsnow, another sword would be welded for him to use in battling. I have thought up numerous ideas of how Secret Prince's storyline would develop and progress. I don't know if I would be getting into details about it. I already shared some details about Secret Prince already.

On the twenty-third of February I thought up some new ideas for Secret Prince. It basically has to deal with the Kingdom of Greenrazor, Anihulman and Greenrazor Gloves. The day Prince Naslam was born was a day when it snowed throughout the day across the Kingdom of Greenrazor.

After such kingdom vanished, it always still snowed on Prince Naslam's birthday on the previous lands of the Greenrazor Kingdom. I have some ideas about the location of the kingdom and what happened to it. I don't know if I would be getting into too much details about it or not though. That's February 2013 dealt with.

This entry is expected to be a little long perhaps. Next to deal with is March 2013. It was late on the last day of February 2013 that I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. I decided to name it as "Prince of Sahara Winds". It would be similar to my other fandom school stories and it would be set in Sahara Winds.

Its characters might be different from Sahara Winds though. It would be about my main hero character who is a student in the school. He would start off in it as an elementary student. It would have a photography club and the main hero would join it also.

It would be when the photography club starts in a way in Sahara Winds also. Codelimin would eventually appear in. The main hero would make new friends there. Some of them would remain his close friends throughout his life, while he might marry one of them eventually.

Of course it would be a female friend whom he would fall in love with first. It would be an interesting story to write. On the eighth of March 2013 I got some attention for Quest for Miracles on Green Garden. On the thirteenth of March 2013, I had some new thoughts about Legend of Infinite Night.
I even thought up some background story for how the main character becomes known as Infinite Night. He would start out in the World of Darkness. Eventually he would be battling to save a Digital World from being destroyed. That is because a new continent was formed by evil forces.
The main character would defeat them and send the new continent to some other world or realm. In Legend of Infinite Night Earth would be attacked by evil codelimin from another Digital World. For some reason they would entirely avoid Algeria.
The main character would learn that Octurnalmon was reborn in the other Digital World. That is because Octurnalmon was deleted in the background story when the two of them were merged together. Octurnalmon sacrificed his life to ensure that the main character survived.
It was because of Octurnalmon's sacrifice that the main character was able to send the new continent to some other world or realm. The main character would appear on the new continent in the other world or realm. There he would find a mansion loaded with pure gold. He would be for him.
In Legend of Infinite Night he would use some of it to update the school or academy. He might even buy the academy or school from the government, since it would be a public school. Infinite Night would learn that the children or students who vanished were in some other Digital World, but that they were alive -even though they were enslaved by the evil codelimin-.
Defending his school or academy from the codelimin that invaded Earth, Infinite Night would be hopeless and defenseless at first. However when it seems the worse is about to happen -meaning Infinite Night's death- Tolamon awakens. As such Tolamon would appear in Legend of Infinite Night and before he heads to the different world.
Infinite Night would learn that the codelimin's plan is to make a new continent on Earth. As such islands and parts of southern Africa would be destroyed. The codelimin would evacuate their "slaves" to "safety". It was some interesting ideas. I just needed to share them. That's it for March 2013.
Not much happened in April 2013, so I would be skipping that. As such I would be getting into May 2013. On the fifth of May 2013, I first mentioned two new fandom codelimin stories of mine named "Digimon Across" and the other would be called "Digimon Defense".
On the ninth of May 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. I decided to name it "Digimon Return". It would be about the DigiDestined from season 2. It would be a month or so after Armageddemon's assault. The international DigiDestined would be in it.
Their world would be attacked by codelimin from a different Digital World. Earth would be overrun by them. As such the DigiDestined and their copedam remain in hiding. Some of the international DigiDestined are killed along with their copedam. Others would head to Japan to group with the Odaiba DigiDestined. 
However the DigiDestined won't be able to hide forever. Their hidden location would be found by some codelimin and attacked. The hidden location would have a device or machine large enough to send all the DigiDestined to another dimension.
Nothing would be known about that dimension, including if it is safe or not. The DigiDestined and their copedam would make their escape along with some supplies they would be carrying. The last thing they witness before they are sent away would be an explosion.
The other world would be a primitive world where codelimin and humans live side by side. It won't be as civilized as their own dimension though. Some pairings would be Takari and Daisuke/Catherine. There would also be Taichi and Sora, along with some others. The parents of the DigiDestined would all eventually perish.
The codelimin on Earth would enslave humanity and even use them as a food supply. I have some good ideas for it and how to start it even. The world the DigiDestined are sent to in Digimon Return is similar to the world my main character arrives in during Digimon Defense.
On the twenty-seventh of May 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story named "Reckless Defender". The main character would be named "Amarito". The main heroine would be named "Heather". The two would have in love and a couple -like boyfriend/girlfriend- for several years.
The two -along with some other friends- would already have some experiences and knowledge of codelimin. Amarito would already have Octurnalmon. The only previous experience of theirs would be against Tyrant Kabuterimon when they were younger, before they became a couple.
Reckless Defender would be when they are in High School and have a club named "Defender Club". I'm not sure what it would do yet. Amarito would be its president and another friend would be vice president. In Reckless Defender Amarito would turn his back on his friends and eventually on his life by joining the side of evil with Acemon.
He would be fighting against his friends and his sweetheart. I really have some interesting ideas for it. It would turn out that Amarito, Octurnalmon and Acemon would all be working together secretly. The Seven Great Demon Lords would appear in Reckless Defender.
The Royal Knights and the four Sovereigns would also appear in it. Amarito would have an old childhood friend. He would be a childhood friend that Amarito would know before he met Heather and the others. He would be Amarito's first friend ever. His name would be Actomi. He would have his own copedam.
He would be the same age as Amarito and he would have deep feelings for Heather. He would appear as a mysterious masked or covered helper with a univice to help repel Amarito and his assault against Heather and the others at one point. That's it for May 2013. Next is June 2013.
On the twenty-seventh of June 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. At first I wanted to name it "Mist Secrets". However I settled on the title "Snow Mist Secrets". I would be the main character. Emeraldsnow, Starden and Actorast would all be in it.
The different forms of Emeraldsnow would appear in it also. It would involve mist to a large degree. I have some interesting ideas for it, but I don't know when or if I would ever get around to write it. It would be set in a world where numerous creatures and specie exist. There would be different levels of civilization also.
It would be really interesting to write I think. I thought up Snow Mist Secrets in order to share my thoughts and ideas about Emeraldsnow. There would also be different forms of Actorast in them as well. I have an idea how my character would enter the different world and dimension or different universe.
I thought up some names of populated areas in the place where my character would head to. He would first come across a town named "Minor Morph Town". There would also be Sacred Fountain Village and Sacred Blade Town. Sacred Fountain Village would be a village that protects a sacred fountain in the dimension. 
Sacred Blade Town would be the town that protects Emeraldsnow as it would be sheathed in Starden and stuck in some green mist. The main character's name would be "Leaf Greenlace". The capital of the land he would enter would be named "Green Mist City".
It would be there were the Misorias Palace would be located. The planet Leaf would be on would be named "Misorias". The nation Leaf would enter in Misorias would be named "Kingdom of Misorias". The royal family would have the family name of Misorias.
Minor Morph Town, Sacred Fountain Village and Sacred Blade Town would all be located in the Kingdom of Misorias. The king of Misorias would be loved by all of his citizens. He would have some children and his wife would be a famed queen. One of the king's daughters would be around Leaf's age.
He would be 15 years of age. The forest Leaf Greenlace would come out of would be named "Green Fairy Forest". There would be a sea named "Green Mist Sea". There would also be portals made of mists in different parts of Misorias.
Snow Mist Secrets could be about a stranger from another dimension coming to Misorias. I'm trying to think of a story where it would be a native about the land. I'm not too sure about that one though. There would be a city named "Morpheus City". It would be a city in itself and the capital of a different nation.
Abta City would be a city where there is basically knowledge. Green Mist City would have the largest library in Misorias. There would be a large nursery in Green Mist City where codelimin and indidam are born. Abta City would be a city state. It won't belong to any nation.
Chapter 1 of Snow Mist Secrets could be named "Green Mist Tale". It would be where Leaf would arrive in Minor Morph Town and learn more about Misorias and the legend of the green mist of the planet. A name of one of the daughter of the king would be Gift.
Another daughter would be named Bless. As such they would be named "Princess Gift Misorias" and "Princess Bless Misorias". Chapter 2 of Snow Mist Secrets would be named "Royal Family of Misorias". Bless might be a few years older than gift.
Chapter 3 of Snow Mists Secrets would be named "Mists in Misorias Palace". It would be about Leaf living with the Misorias Royal Family in their palace for some time. Leaf would learn of the tale of the Green Blade Library. It would be an ancient library on one of the moons of Misorias.
Only someone using Emeraldsnow would be able to unlock or break the seal protecting the ancient library. The library would have information in an ancient language about the green mist gates. To the people of Misorias Emeraldsnow would be known as "The Green Mist Blade".
The library would be located on an ice moon with an inhabitable atmosphere. There would be a green mist gate from Misorias to that moon orbiting Misorias. The library would be located on the grounds near a hot spring that has a small forest. It would be the only forest on the ice moon.
The library would be called "Green Blade Library", even in the ancient times. As such the ice moon it would be on would be known as "Green Blade Moon". On the twenty-eighth of June 2013, Tears of a Slave on Digimon Forever had some attention. I thought up some new ideas for "Snow Mist Secrets" on that day.
For one thing I thought up a new independent city. It would be named "Spell Seal City". It would be a city full of magic. It would be the place to study and learn magic in Misorias. It might not be a good idea to have magic stuff in my stories though. The other idea is about the "servants".
"Servants" for the Royal Family of Misorias. At first I thought of having there be an orphan elf girl around Leaf's age be a "servant" or "maid". Then I thought of there being an elven family of "servants". They won't mind working and living with the royal family either. Perhaps I could use both ideas.
That's it for June 2013. Not much happened in July 2013 so I would skip it. As such I'd deal with August 2013 next. On the thirteenth of August 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. It would be about the Motomiya siblings and their own adventure in the Digital World alone.
Numerous names for the story have appeared like "Motomiya Digital Adventure". However in the end I haven't decided on a title yet. I'm just glad that I'm mentioning this now. On the eighteenth of August 2013, I had a new idea for a fandom codelimin story. I would name it "New Digital World".
At first I was thinking of naming it "Neo Digital World". It would be about a Digital World combining with the real world. It would be with the seasons 1 and 2 DigiDestined and their copedam. I have numerous thoughts for it, but I don't know when or if I would get into details about it.
On the twenty-second of August 2013, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. I decided to name it "Freedom of the Owl". It would be about my character not liking living in the current condition the world is in. He would also want to meet Actorast and have adventures that aren't in his world.
Somehow his wishes are granted and he is sent to a Digital World where he meets Actorast as Octurnalmon. Much happens and the two go through different adventures through the years. On the twenty-sixth of August 2013 is when my mind really starts being mentally active for codelimin.

On that day I thought up a new fandom codelimin story. I decided to name it "Digital Wild Wings". It would be about two boys the same age. Neither one would have copedam. However the Digital World would be widely known. Humans would be inhabiting the Digital World and Digimon would be inhabiting Earth.
There would be schools where the kids can be with their copedam and where the copedam also learn. With Codelimin on Earth, there are numerous advances in technology. A wealthy family benefits from such technology. The family won't have any copedam of their own.
The family would be both parents and two kids. There would be a son and a daughter, with the son being the older one. Even though codelimin would be widely known on Earth, there would be those around Earth who are against them and hostile toward them. There would be codelimin who are also hostile themselves.
There would also be codelimin who are in hiding on Earth and aren't "registered". The second family would be a somewhat poor family with a mother and son only (that was how it was at first. It later changed). The poor son would eventually meet the wealthy son.
Just as codelimin aren't welcome on some places on Earth -and there is hostility toward them-, humans aren't welcome on many parts of the Digital World. It would be an interesting story to write if I ever get around to write it. I want to think up a new lion evolution line for Digital Wild Wings.
The "wild" part would be from the lion, while the "wings" would be from the owl. There would be knowledge about different digivices, armor evolution, DigiMemories and much more. There would be also codelimin cards and local, regional and international codelimin tournaments in numerous ways.
The story would be based on the two families I mentioned. I thought up a new type of "digivice" also. It won't be "mechanical". It would be made of cloth, but I don't know how it would function yet though.
That day wasn't the first time I thought it up. It would be like a scarf to wrap around the person's neck.

It would be named something like "D-Scarf", "Digi-Scarf" or even "Digital Scarf". It might and might not first appear in Digital Wild Wings. The rest of August 2013 was about numerous ideas and thoughts about Digital Wild Wings. It would be like that for several months.

It had been some time since I thought up a major fandom codelimin story like Digital Wild Wings. The name of the title of this post is inspired from the name "Digital Wild Wings". Thinks to Digital Wild Wings I thought up new fandom codelimin of my own that would first appear in Digital Wild Wings.

As the story progresses in Digital Wild Wings, the number of plots and characters would increase. I'd have to admit some ideas in Digital Wild Wings aren't originally mine. Some of them are inspired from other fandom codelimin stories that aren't mine I think.

The year continued on without any new fandom codelimin stories of mine thought up. My mind was too busy thinking up ideas and characters for Digital Wild Wings. Eventually though I decided for there to be a sequel to Digital Wild Wings. As such the first part of Digital Wild Wings would be named "Dreams of Wild Wings".

The sequel would be named "Storms of Wild Wings". I would really like to start writing it. I haven't written any new chapter or started any new fandom codelimin story of mine for several years now. I'm kind of looking forward to writing some new chapter or fandom codelimin story of mine.

Since I'm finishing 2013 like that, I'd get straight into this month or January 2014 and what has been happening this month so far concerning codelimin. On the third of January 2014, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story of mine. I thought of the name "The Knight and the Owl", but I might want to change that.

Both Otazoidmon and Octurnalmon would be in it. I would also be in it and both Luralt and Actorast would be copedam. They would be competitive would each other with who is the better copedam for me from time to time. The first love for my main character would be named Alyssa.

I think it would happen in a world that is familiar with copedam yet not like Greenglade Prime. Codelimin might be known and around in such a world also. The main heroine who would heal my main character's heart would eventually appear in it herself.

I'd like to come up with a better name than "The Knight and the Owl". At first I was thinking of it happening on Greenglade Prime with my main character being a young man, but now since it is in a different world, stuff could be a little different. I decided to settle on the name "Return of the Greenlace Kingdom" for the story.

I don't know how to start it yet. For now there would be humans and codelimin in it. Others like fairies and elves might be in it as well though. I don't know when or if I would start writing Return of the Greenlace Kingdom. I don't know about even names of main characters. The storyline is developing in my mind though.

On the twenty-fourth of January 2014, I thought up a new fandom codelimin story named "Secret Code Defenders". The second and third team of DigiDestined would be in it. It would be set in the future when the second and third team of DigiDestined are grown up and have kids of their own.

They might not appear much or at all in the beginning though. At that time new codelimin would have appeared and there would be rumors of alternate dimensions where other Digital Worlds exist. A time travel method would be discovered. There would be an organization that hates the codelimin and the DigiDestined. 

As such it would try to ruin the DigiDestined and the codelimin. The Secret Code Defense or "SCD" would exist to counter them. The three newest recruits for it would be Muslim Arabs from Jordan. There would be Moath, Ammaar and his wife Lana.

Moath would have Otazoidmon, while Ammaar would have Octurnalmon. Lana would be some years younger than Ammaar. She would have Ranbimon perhaps. The three of them would have Digital Gloves. They would be adults and the Secret Code Defense would choose them to head back into time to protect the future, or even change it to the better if they have to.

The organization against the codelimin and the DigiDestined would have already obtained such knowledge. They would head back into the past before the Secret Code Defense. The Secret Code Defense would eventually get the knowledge.

Ammaar, Moath and Lana would become Secret Code Defenders that travel into the past. In their time in the future there would be codelimin cards like the one in tamers. Some of Tamers might appear in Secret Code Defenders also.

The time travel would make Ammaar, Moath and Lana all younger, but somehow their codelimin won't be affected by it for some reason. Even though Lana would be several years younger than her husband, time traveling would bring her to the same young age as her husband.

The defenders would have to deal with the organization as the Organization would contact Myotismon and eventually send a codelimin to Earth. It would be the defenders that rescue Gatomon and Wizardmon from Myotismon's clutches. It would also be before Gatomon gets her scar on her paw.

The defenders would have to protect Hikari, Daisuke, Ken and Miyako, along with the others in the Digital World. The defenders might even eventually bring those four along with Osamu into the Digital World. Such actions would change the future. If the defenders went to head back to their time it might be a different time from when they left.

As such they would need to continue living in the past. I have some interesting ideas for it. The ideas on how it would start out I mentioned a little and it would appear in like the first chapter or something. I don't know when or if I would get to write such a story. With that I end this post. I don't know when the next post would be though. Take care, and assalamu alaikum... 

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