Friday, June 1, 2012

Samurai Dragon Month

Assalamu Alaikum...

In the previous post I dealt with Fasting April, and so this post would deal with last month, May 2012 or "Shadow May" as I like to term it. On the second of May... I've been thinking of making a special journal for "Legend of Emeraldsnow", since I have a lot of ideas for it, just like my journal for Prince of Andalus.

I don't know what to name it though or if I would ever make it. It is a thought that I haven't started thinking of today, but rather several days ago. On the fourth of May... I've thought up a new fandom codelimin story.

It is named "Rise of Canogy". It would be related to Detective Actonal, as it would come in the future. The precinct that Detective Actonal would be in would become too small and Chief Otomy would try to get some bigger building to house all the police of the precinct.

Either that or the authorities wanting to shut down the precinct because they didn't like it. Of course Chief Otomy won't be able to stop it and the precinct police officers would be without a precinct.

Rise of Canogy is the first fandom codelimin story I've thought up that month. It is the 11th fandom codelimin story I thought up this year. Chief Otomy would have a good friend is a wealthy person.

It would be Detective Actonal who would come up the idea. The idea would be to establish a city where the police officers would be those of the new Police Department of the city.

Chief Otomy would like the idea and it would be Detective Actonal who would come up with the new name as well. The city's name would be "Canogy". Detective Actonal would comment that he would daydream of being in a new city named that.

Chief Otomy and Detective Actonal would talk about it some more with some other officers. The hospital of the city would be a hospital that would relay on natural cures and not any vaccines or pharmacy medicines.

It would also have its own electricity that would be from a solar power plant nearby. The city would have several water towers and a water treatment plant as well.

After discussing it better Chief Otomy would eventually go to his good wealthy friend and ask for his help. His friend would accept, with the condition he moves to the new city with his family and settle in it.

Chief Otomy would accept such condition, as the families or relatives of the police officers would be moving to the new city when it is ready. It would be located either in Nevada or New Mexico. I'm not too sure yet.

Helen and Heather would go with Detective Actonal, along with their copedam of course. Canogy would also accept new incoming codelimin into its city. It would be a city that relays on renewable energy and it would also be pollution free as well.

There would be trees planted around Canogy as well. Eventually the police department of Canogy would be named "Canogy Police Department" obviously. They would have a special force named "S.T.A.R.S", just like in Resident Evil games.

I initially thought up the story out of admiration and respect for the special force. Chief Otomy would be the chief of Canogy Police Department and Detective Actonal would be the captain or commander of STARS for Canogy Police Department.

It would be an interesting story to write. I don't know if I would ever get around to writing it though. I might and might not eventually change the name of the story "Rise of Canogy", but for now it would remain as that.

For my fandom story named "Rise of Canogy", I got the name for the capital of the Nation of Rasaril in Legenows in Legend of Emeraldsnow. It is from the words "capital" and "technology".

A town or a city named Specina might appear in Legend of Emeraldsnow. On the fifth of May 2012, Saturday... Concerning Rise of Canogy I decided to name its state of the art natural hospital as "Specina Natural Hospital".

It won't only deal with humans but also with codelimin. The press or media HQ of Canogy would be named "Canogy Media Center" or "CMC". There would also be a research department named "Canogy Research Center" or "CRC".

It would deal with researching numerous stuff on different stuff. I'm not sure who the mayor of Canogy would be yet though. Canogy would have a university named "Specina University".

It would also have schools, but it would be numerous schools and not just one school. Specina University would teach its students normal stuff like most other universities would teach, but there would also be stuff that it would teach that others won't or don't teach.

Of course there would be churches and mosques in Canogy. However Jews would be discouraged from heading to Canogy and so there won't be any synagogues. I thought up the word "Specina" yesterday, and I already found a place for it in Rise of Canogy.

I thought up the name of the park in Canogy, and it would be named "Greero Park". I also thought up names of some schools and colleges as well. I think I would prepare a record for Rise of Canogy.

Like the STARS of Raccoon Police Department, the STARS of Canogy Police Department would also have their own special IDs as well as their own special pistols or guns. For the STARS of Resident Evil 3 their special gun was dubbed "Samurai Edge".

I don't know if it would be the same for the STARS of Canogy Police Department. It would be interesting to see copedam like Otazoidmon using a special STARS gun. I prepared a record for Rise of Canogy.

I mentioned the locations of different stuff on it basically. It was the names of locations actually. I would perhaps be updating it from time to time. There would be an academy named "Black Owls Academy" in Canogy.

It would be a law enforcement and military academy. From it people who graduate would either be able to join the military or join the police of Canogy. They could even become new members of STARS in Canogy if they are worthy and have potential for it.

On the sixth of May... The library in Canogy would be named "Greero Public Archives". I've been thinking of having Indiral appear in Legend of Emeraldsnow. Legenows won't only be a home for codelimin but also perhaps for Indiral.

I might rename the realm "Midnight Rastiro", which was previously "Realm of Charges" to "Memodow". I think it would be a suitable new name for it. With that I would be using Memodow for a dimension or realm in my stories.

I have some editing to do with Storms of Myths for sure now. I might and might not rename some places in Memodow. I might also rename some places in Greetura as well. It is decided. Midnight Rastiro has been renamed to Memodow.

On the seventh of May 2012, Monday... I'm somewhat interested in updating the fandom codelimin stories of mine "Winter in Greetura" and "Storms of Myths" now. I would start with Winter in Greetura because it is shorter than Storms of Myths.

This isn't the first time I update a fandom codelimin story of mine this year, but it would be for Shadow May. Insha' Allah I can get some work done today. I'm updating the story "Winter in Greetura" now.

With that Winter in Greetura is updated and I can put it on Green Garden now, or update it on Green Garden. I need to rename it on Green Garden to Winter in Greetura and then update its chapters.

Next is Storms of Myths, but I don't know when or if I would start dealing with it. Winter in Greetura is the first fandom codelimin of mine that I work on during Shadow May and during this year as well.

I guess it was a good choice to start with it. I've started updating Storms of Myths. I don't know if I would finish updating it today or not though. It would take longer to update it all, longer than it took me to update Winter in Greetura of course.

On the tenth of May 2012, Thursday... I think I want to get back to updating Storms of Myths soon. I haven't dealt with it for awhile. I've reached episode 3 of Storms of Myths to update. Starting from episode 5, Storms of Myths starts to get really interesting.

Episode 5 of Storms of Myths named "Master in Kestir and Seltic" is updated.

Next is episode 6. I'm going to stop updating Storms of Myths for now. I would need to update my Green Garden profile on I would need to mention stuff like Meric Land -or Lost Andalus- being changed to Greetura, and Realm of Charges -or Midnight Rastiro- being changed to Memodow.

I would also mention what those names stand for or what they mean. I would remember that insha' Allah. I've updated three episodes of Storms of Myths so far today. I also need to remember I need to deal with updating "Truce of the Codes" as well.

On the sixteenth of May... Since I'm working on updating Storms of Myths, I decided to rename Croland to something else. That something else is "Meturias". The Croland specie is now to be known as Meturias.

That is more of a reason for me to update Storms of Myths. Once I update it on I would update it on my original blogspot profile also. I thought up a new fandom codelimin of mine today. I decided to name it "Samuradramon".

It is short for Samurai Dragon Monster. I might and might not work on updating Storms of Myths a little some time today perhaps. Samuradramon is the first fandom codelimin I've thought up during Shadow May.

In all I've thought up 17 fandom codelimin this year. The title of this post is from Samuradramon obviously. This is the first post I publish here in JCT in awhile. I'm thankful to that. With that I end Shadow May for 2012.

Take care, and assalamu alaikum...

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